2 episodes
Episode 1
Part 1: The Martial Artist in the Tea Shop
Jul 10, 2014669 views
Episode 2
Part 2: The Cave of Trials
Feb 09, 2015863 views
Legend says that if you can conquer the Phoenix Scroll's trials and tribulations any wish you desire will be granted by simply writing it down. Kita, a resident of Xinglai city, longs to obtain it but knows she doesn't stand even the slightest chance. Perhaps with the help of a travelling martial artist her dreams will come true.
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Legend says that if you can conquer the Phoenix Scroll's trials and tribulations any wish you desire will be granted by simply writing it down. Kita, a resident of Xinglai city, longs to obtain it but knows she doesn't stand even the slightest chance. Perhaps with the help of a travelling martial artist her dreams will come true.
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