8 episodes
Episode 1
Morning routine for a Superhero!
Jun 16, 2021768 views
Episode 2
Jun 23, 2021280 views
Episode 3
Fight at the Arcade #1
Jun 30, 2021238 views
Episode 4
Fight at the arcade #2
May 24, 2023157 views
Episode 5
Finally at home and peace?
Aug 01, 2023148 views
Episode 6
The beginning
Aug 13, 2023114 views
Episode 7
The Magical putty
Aug 18, 2023108 views
Episode 8
Friends… #1
Aug 26, 2023111 views
„Medical student by day, and Superhero by night?” Not as cool as it sounds.
For Briti Ameer, saving the world as Panda Putty Girl, seems to be more confusing than exciting. The evil Terremoto hates putty over everything else, and therefore he hates Panda Putty Girl's superpower, forming magical putty at will. But how can anybody hate play dough and variations of it? And why is Briti’s lovely roommate, Yasmin M’pastare always tired, when it was Briti who was busy saving the world?
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„Medical student by day, and Superhero by night?” Not as cool as it sounds.
For Briti Ameer, saving the world as Panda Putty Girl, seems to be more confusing than exciting. The evil Terremoto hates putty over everything else, and therefore he hates Panda Putty Girl's superpower, forming magical putty at will. But how can anybody hate play dough and variations of it? And why is Briti’s lovely roommate, Yasmin M’pastare always tired, when it was Briti who was busy saving the world?
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