2 episodes
What do you picture when you think of demons?
Blood thirsty evil beings that want to devour your soul?
Monsters who want to drag you to the fiery pits of hell?
Well sometimes, things are truly not what they seem.
Ottilie is the last sacrifice from a deal that was made 500 years before she was born. Rey is the tough and beautiful countess from the underworld who can shape shift into a crow. It is up to them to save the country of Azalea from ruin after Ottilie's father attempts to strike a new deal that risks the lives of all who inhabit Azalea and the surrounding kingdoms.
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What do you picture when you think of demons?
Blood thirsty evil beings that want to devour your soul?
Monsters who want to drag you to the fiery pits of hell?
Well sometimes, things are truly not what they seem.
Ottilie is the last sacrifice from a deal that was made 500 years before she was born. Rey is the tough and beautiful countess from the underworld who can shape shift into a crow. It is up to them to save the country of Azalea from ruin after Ottilie's father attempts to strike a new deal that risks the lives of all who inhabit Azalea and the surrounding kingdoms.
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Ottilie and the Crow
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