1 episode
"When a nightmare occurs over and over again, it eats the soul. And here, the nightmare lies in the past, present and future. There is no escape but ending it for good. But what is on the other side? Of course, no one knows...
The world is filled with dirty machines, the smoke on the sky is not a pollution, it is always there. The wonderful, crystal clear water that flowed down from the mountains, is now a yellow and black sauce that melts your tongue and mouth.
Humanity is in danger, as it is only a blink from total annihilation. Not humans... they're there in masses... but you won't celebrate that we survived..."
- William Creighton, Chapter 13 from the book 'Of Metal and Bastards'.
When the "Modern-Turn" was the mark of a new dynasty, a new direction of humanity, no one expected that the critics, the 'conspiracists' were right. No one believed that it was simply a death sentence. No one believed, that that would happen.
>Picture: https://pixabay.com/de/illustrations/sch%C3%A4del-berge-meer-schiff-himmel-2189889/ (Enrique Meseguer, Pixabay)
>Banner: https://pixabay.com/de/photos/cyberpunk-chongqing-night-3723725/ (Ethan Zhan, Pixabay)
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"When a nightmare occurs over and over again, it eats the soul. And here, the nightmare lies in the past, present and future. There is no escape but ending it for good. But what is on the other side? Of course, no one knows...
The world is filled with dirty machines, the smoke on the sky is not a pollution, it is always there. The wonderful, crystal clear water that flowed down from the mountains, is now a yellow and black sauce that melts your tongue and mouth.
Humanity is in danger, as it is only a blink from total annihilation. Not humans... they're there in masses... but you won't celebrate that we survived..."
- William Creighton, Chapter 13 from the book 'Of Metal and Bastards'.
When the "Modern-Turn" was the mark of a new dynasty, a new direction of humanity, no one expected that the critics, the 'conspiracists' were right. No one believed that it was simply a death sentence. No one believed, that that would happen.
>Picture: https://pixabay.com/de/illustrations/sch%C3%A4del-berge-meer-schiff-himmel-2189889/ (Enrique Meseguer, Pixabay)
>Banner: https://pixabay.com/de/photos/cyberpunk-chongqing-night-3723725/ (Ethan Zhan, Pixabay)
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