3 episodes
Episode 1
Far Away
Dec 17, 202445 views
Episode 2
The Little Writer
Dec 20, 202417 views
Episode 3
As Days Go By
Dec 22, 202422 views
He doesn't remember his old name, but in this life, he is Prince Zebastian of House Qaarn. He is the son of the King's youngest brother, making him tenth in line for the Crystal Crown of the Seelie Kingdom of Osvael. His new life as a faerie prince is bound to be interesting!
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He doesn't remember his old name, but in this life, he is Prince Zebastian of House Qaarn. He is the son of the King's youngest brother, making him tenth in line for the Crystal Crown of the Seelie Kingdom of Osvael. His new life as a faerie prince is bound to be interesting!
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