5 episodes
Episode 1
Welcome To My Hell
Oct 09, 2022375 views
Episode 2
Welcome to My Antakui
Oct 10, 2022175 views
Episode 3
Nov 01, 2022116 views
Episode 4
Jan 26, 2023102 views
Episode 5
Eye Patch
Apr 25, 202382 views
years after ken kanaki's natural death the world developed quirks now humans and ghouls are on even playing ground and with that a fear that some had spread to hatred and the war between ghouls and humans reignited are main characters will have to battle hero's doves and even there closet friends in order to bring back the peace they once had can they do it and become the hero everyone needs or become the monster everyone knew they were only time will tell
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years after ken kanaki's natural death the world developed quirks now humans and ghouls are on even playing ground and with that a fear that some had spread to hatred and the war between ghouls and humans reignited are main characters will have to battle hero's doves and even there closet friends in order to bring back the peace they once had can they do it and become the hero everyone needs or become the monster everyone knew they were only time will tell
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