5 episodes
Episode 1
Aug 28, 2019306 views
Episode 2
Aug 28, 2019128 views
Episode 3
Aug 30, 201999 views
Episode 4
Aug 31, 2019110 views
Episode 5
Sep 01, 2019125 views
How it all began.
How Satin feel in love, why Nori is a monster and how did Chandy lose her leg?
Keep reading to find out!
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Thank you for the amazing support – every drop of ink helps!
Your ink will be spent on...
1. Paying off my student loans. Current Loans are down to 4k USD from 20k so we rocking this!
2. Paying for amazing food! (that's not just PBJ and Raman)
3. Paying for my lovely kitties!!
4. Paying for much-needed coffee, helps me draw and write!
Thank you so much!!!
How it all began.
How Satin feel in love, why Nori is a monster and how did Chandy lose her leg?
Keep reading to find out!
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