5 episodes
Episode 1
May 22, 202045 views
Episode 2
May 22, 202023 views
Episode 3
Jun 23, 202013 views
Episode 4
Jul 22, 202020 views
Episode 5
Wolves trap
Nov 11, 202011 views
Mature warning as usual.
My name is Agatha Fox. I'm currently your average 18 year old school brat. My life was going alright for the most part. Had my parents and a best friend I cherished. One day it all came crashing down on me. I found out how crazy possessive my best friend was of me. He literally was stalker crazy. After fighting with him I spent time relaxing; not knowing this would be the last time in my home. I was going upstairs but sadly tripped like an idiot. When I awoke there was a sharp pain in my side. As I opened my eyes there was a man there tending to wounds on my body. It wouldn't be so shocking but I was topless.
The man had actual claws but was very gentle. Although his attitude was something to be desired. His name is Kai Moore. He is a Wolf/Fox mix blood. In this world it would appear being of mixed blood was looked extremely down upon. Although I am still not sure if I can trust him, I cling to him. I have come to learn that there is magic in this world. Even though it is shocking to me I've got a Victoria cruziana (water lily) in between my breast. From what Kai explains it is my magic core. There is so much of this world to learn. Will I ever make it back to my own world?
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Mature warning as usual.
My name is Agatha Fox. I'm currently your average 18 year old school brat. My life was going alright for the most part. Had my parents and a best friend I cherished. One day it all came crashing down on me. I found out how crazy possessive my best friend was of me. He literally was stalker crazy. After fighting with him I spent time relaxing; not knowing this would be the last time in my home. I was going upstairs but sadly tripped like an idiot. When I awoke there was a sharp pain in my side. As I opened my eyes there was a man there tending to wounds on my body. It wouldn't be so shocking but I was topless.
The man had actual claws but was very gentle. Although his attitude was something to be desired. His name is Kai Moore. He is a Wolf/Fox mix blood. In this world it would appear being of mixed blood was looked extremely down upon. Although I am still not sure if I can trust him, I cling to him. I have come to learn that there is magic in this world. Even though it is shocking to me I've got a Victoria cruziana (water lily) in between my breast. From what Kai explains it is my magic core. There is so much of this world to learn. Will I ever make it back to my own world?
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