1 episode
MORPHOMAGICA is a humorous action comic featuring characters known as human-insectoids. The three main characters, Roach, Fly and Maggot, live in a post-apocalyptic Earth where creatures known as Microbes have breached an unknown layer of Earth, now wreaking havoc across the city.
The girls try to navigate their way through battles while trying to research the human civilization and the true meaning behind their own existence….with magical powers, of course!
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MORPHOMAGICA is a humorous action comic featuring characters known as human-insectoids. The three main characters, Roach, Fly and Maggot, live in a post-apocalyptic Earth where creatures known as Microbes have breached an unknown layer of Earth, now wreaking havoc across the city.
The girls try to navigate their way through battles while trying to research the human civilization and the true meaning behind their own existence….with magical powers, of course!
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