2 episodes
Episode 1
Liveline Mode ( Illustration )
Dec 21, 2023118 views
Episode 2
Happy Birthday to March E. Flaxen 3/20
Apr 06, 202486 views
' Liveline Mode ' is a Game that the Shadow Masters made.
So they invite humans to play the game
and they give them temporary power to fight the Shadows, and collect Carousel's Gears
but They will take that power away once the player either win or pass away.
- The Shadow Master's true purpose goes beyond the Game BTW
-Will Rose be able to save her friends?
-Is March going to win the game?
-Will the Shadows Gonna find what they looking for ?
△ March 16 year old the Grandson of famous Fashion Designer '
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Hi , it's Bee
I like Drawing , Gaming and Music
Started to draw Manga since 2018 and digital art since 2015
I have 3 comic ,currently I work on 2 of them
& I still work Alone I write and draw my comic all by myself , it took me so much time & efforts
and I have no job ( 0 H 0 ) & I draw by mouse
- All my works & Ideas are Original 100% , Excellent ( > u < )b
- Support me on Tapas – like , subscribe & share ,,,
I really appreciate the support
Thank you so much
' Liveline Mode ' is a Game that the Shadow Masters made.
So they invite humans to play the game
and they give them temporary power to fight the Shadows, and collect Carousel's Gears
but They will take that power away once the player either win or pass away.
- The Shadow Master's true purpose goes beyond the Game BTW
-Will Rose be able to save her friends?
-Is March going to win the game?
-Will the Shadows Gonna find what they looking for ?
△ March 16 year old the Grandson of famous Fashion Designer '
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