5 episodes
Episode 1
Apr 09, 20171.8k views
Episode 2
GAME START (Read Below)
Jun 20, 20171.3k views
Episode 3
Sorry ^-^;;
Aug 09, 2017858 views
Episode 4
Chapter 1
Oct 16, 2017602 views
Episode 5
Oct 17, 2017956 views
Basil Howell is one of the lucky beta testers for a revolutionary MMO. In this "virtual reality" experience, players are transported to dimensions that become their gaming environments. Of course, the game is prone to glitches, being so new and experimental.
When an incident during Character Creation leaves him awful stats and an appearance that almost no one takes seriously, Basil is at a loss for leveling up or even surviving in-game, even with the rare help from other parties.
Just as Basil is losing hope in the game, his server glitches, temporarily shutting down his dimension with him still inside. It is then that he is forcibly transferred to another server-dimension, where he is flung, literally, into the life of an eccentric paladin from France.
Let the games begin.
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Basil Howell is one of the lucky beta testers for a revolutionary MMO. In this "virtual reality" experience, players are transported to dimensions that become their gaming environments. Of course, the game is prone to glitches, being so new and experimental.
When an incident during Character Creation leaves him awful stats and an appearance that almost no one takes seriously, Basil is at a loss for leveling up or even surviving in-game, even with the rare help from other parties.
Just as Basil is losing hope in the game, his server glitches, temporarily shutting down his dimension with him still inside. It is then that he is forcibly transferred to another server-dimension, where he is flung, literally, into the life of an eccentric paladin from France.
Let the games begin.
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