6 episodes
Episode 1
Prologue - Part I
Sep 02, 2024198 views
Episode 2
Prologue - Part II
Sep 06, 202450 views
Episode 3
Return - Part 1
Sep 09, 202445 views
Episode 4
Return - Part 2
Sep 10, 20249 views
Episode 5
Take - Part 1
Sep 30, 202437 views
Episode 6
Take - Part 2
Sep 30, 202425 views
Re-enrolled at Lacuna University, Suri McAlister longed for normalcy. She almost had it until she was attacked while visiting her father’s grave on the one-year anniversary of his death.
Now she finds herself in the midst of an intensifying feud between members of a secret order known as the Nexus Troupes. These individuals, endowed with superhuman abilities to protect the peace of the islands, are on the brink of tipping the world into chaos.
As the mysteries behind unsanctioned experiments and the murder of a Troupe leader unravel, Suri must determine which members she can trust and which ones want her dead. Battling to protect herself and those she cares about, she could possess the key to restoring balance—or bring it all crashing down.
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*You are all beautiful and wonderful people
Re-enrolled at Lacuna University, Suri McAlister longed for normalcy. She almost had it until she was attacked while visiting her father’s grave on the one-year anniversary of his death.
Now she finds herself in the midst of an intensifying feud between members of a secret order known as the Nexus Troupes. These individuals, endowed with superhuman abilities to protect the peace of the islands, are on the brink of tipping the world into chaos.
As the mysteries behind unsanctioned experiments and the murder of a Troupe leader unravel, Suri must determine which members she can trust and which ones want her dead. Battling to protect herself and those she cares about, she could possess the key to restoring balance—or bring it all crashing down.
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