9 episodes
Episode 1
Mockup (?) Cover
Apr 23, 20222.3k views
Episode 2
some Farrah's and a dramatic panel I lov ft. Valerie
May 14, 2022407 views
Episode 3
I'm only human (roughs)
Jun 04, 2022273 views
Episode 4
coloring practice process
Jun 25, 2022239 views
Episode 5
some of my reference sheets
Jul 16, 2022190 views
Episode 6
Valerie, Miyako
Aug 06, 2022102 views
Episode 7
concept art
Aug 27, 2022197 views
Episode 8
scratched beginning
Sep 17, 202296 views
Episode 9
final cover (Shadowbound out now!!)
Oct 13, 2022180 views
Shadowbound currently has a soft launch date in oktober - A paranormal sapphic drama that revolves around Farrah (human) who ends up in the care of her crush Valerie (werewolf) and her housemate Miyako (vampire). A story about growing into yourself, evolving love, boundaries and monsters.
Into the Shadows is behind the scenes content leading up to the launch of Shadowbound...
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Donating ink helps keep my motivation up to create this comic - Thank you!! <3
Shadowbound currently has a soft launch date in oktober - A paranormal sapphic drama that revolves around Farrah (human) who ends up in the care of her crush Valerie (werewolf) and her housemate Miyako (vampire). A story about growing into yourself, evolving love, boundaries and monsters.
Into the Shadows is behind the scenes content leading up to the launch of Shadowbound...
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