[HIATUS] Into The Darkness - A Dragon Age Inquisition Fancomic
8 episodes
Episode 1
Jun 22, 20161.1k views
Episode 2
Jun 29, 2016167 views
Episode 3
Jul 06, 2016142 views
Episode 4
Jul 13, 2016159 views
Episode 5
Character Profile - Emma Lavellan
Jul 20, 2016136 views
Episode 6
World State - Origins
Sep 05, 2016123 views
Episode 7
1.5 Preview
Sep 14, 2016117 views
Episode 8
Sep 18, 2016433 views
[official hiatus]
9:41 Dragon. Orlais is undergoing a civil war. The Circle of Magi have rebelled against the oppressive templars in a bid for independence, leading to all-out war . In a last ditch effort for peace, Divine Justinia V has orchestrated the Divine Conclave- a peace summit between the ambassadors of the templars and the rebel mages for the purpose of negotiating a peaceful compromise. A massive explosion kills the attendants of the Conclave and creates a massive tear in the Veil called the Breach, allowing demons to invade Thedas unchecked.
The survivors are the only hope for peace now.
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[official hiatus]
9:41 Dragon. Orlais is undergoing a civil war. The Circle of Magi have rebelled against the oppressive templars in a bid for independence, leading to all-out war . In a last ditch effort for peace, Divine Justinia V has orchestrated the Divine Conclave- a peace summit between the ambassadors of the templars and the rebel mages for the purpose of negotiating a peaceful compromise. A massive explosion kills the attendants of the Conclave and creates a massive tear in the Veil called the Breach, allowing demons to invade Thedas unchecked.
The survivors are the only hope for peace now.
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