237 episodes
Episode 1
Book 1 | Chapter 1: The Small Life
Apr 23, 201811.6k views
Episode 2
Book 1 | Chapter 2: Welcome To Our World
Apr 23, 20181.7k views
Episode 3
Book 1 | Chapter 3: Junkyard Estate
Apr 24, 2018913 views
Episode 4
Book 1 | Chapter 4: Rex Vehemens
Apr 24, 20181.3k views
Episode 5
Book 1 | Chapter 5: Damn Fine Coffee!
Apr 25, 20181k views
Episode 6
Book 1 | Chapter 6: Fallen Hound
Apr 26, 2018560 views
Episode 7
Book 1 | Chapter 7: Love Letter Pt.1
Apr 27, 2018849 views
Episode 8
Book 1 | Chapter 7: Love Letter pt.2
Apr 29, 2018504 views
Episode 9
Book 1 | Chapter 8: The Gathering Pt.1
Apr 30, 2018454 views
Episode 10
Book 1 | Chapter 8: The Gathering Pt.2
May 02, 2018414 views
Episode 11
Book 1 | Chapter 9: Bad Things Happen Pt.1
May 06, 2018446 views
Episode 12
Book 1 | Chapter 9: Pg 135-136
May 19, 2018767 views
Episode 13
Book 1 | Chapter 9: Pg 137-138
May 26, 2018725 views
Episode 14
Book 1 | Chapter 9: Pg 139-140
May 26, 2018739 views
Episode 15
Book 1 | Chapter 9: Pg 141-142
Jun 02, 2018710 views
Episode 16
Book 1 | Chapter 9: Pg 143-144
Jun 09, 2018698 views
Episode 17
Book 1 | Chapter 9: Pg 145-146
Jun 16, 2018702 views
Episode 18
Book 1 | Chapter 9: Pg 147-148
Jun 23, 2018675 views
Episode 19
Book 1 | Chapter 9: Pg 149-150
Jun 30, 2018651 views
Episode 20
Book 1 | Chapter 9: Pg 151-152
Jun 30, 2018684 views
In The Lion's Den takes place in an alternate Earth where anthropomorphic animals called “critters”, coexist with the primitive “Giants”. The Critters live in a land of their own, forming social groups and often gangs due to conflicts between one kin to another. Many of the Critters also venture out into The Land of the Giants, reasons for this ranging from opportunism, to feeling isolated from their own kind, or simply out of curiosity. Subsequently, many end up forming special bonds with The Giants.
The series revolve around five critter protagonists who somehow become separated from their Giant companion and get thrown back into their native land, The Fringes. The home that they once knew is corrupted by powerful beasts called "Therians" in a reign of utter tyranny. With the aid of other critters encountered along their journey, the protagonist must conquer the beast, and find their way back home.
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If you enjoy this comic, please consider supporting me with ink. Every drop is appreciated! :)
In The Lion's Den takes place in an alternate Earth where anthropomorphic animals called “critters”, coexist with the primitive “Giants”. The Critters live in a land of their own, forming social groups and often gangs due to conflicts between one kin to another. Many of the Critters also venture out into The Land of the Giants, reasons for this ranging from opportunism, to feeling isolated from their own kind, or simply out of curiosity. Subsequently, many end up forming special bonds with The Giants.
The series revolve around five critter protagonists who somehow become separated from their Giant companion and get thrown back into their native land, The Fringes. The home that they once knew is corrupted by powerful beasts called "Therians" in a reign of utter tyranny. With the aid of other critters encountered along their journey, the protagonist must conquer the beast, and find their way back home.
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