3 episodes
Episode 1
Imposters: Chapter One- New Beginnings
Mar 17, 2020847 views
Episode 2
Imposters: Chapter Two- New Life
Mar 18, 2020250 views
Episode 3
Imposters: Chapter Three- Storm is Coming
Mar 21, 2020204 views
Summary: Two years after the accident with AFO, the Anarchy disappears. Musutafu became a peaceful place as no activity of any underground organizations were located. People couldn't help but wonder what happened to the Anarchy after their disappearance. People wonder if they are truly safe. Some wonder what happened to the members of the Anarchy. Until something changes.
Edit: Still sucks at summaries and descriptions.
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Summary: Two years after the accident with AFO, the Anarchy disappears. Musutafu became a peaceful place as no activity of any underground organizations were located. People couldn't help but wonder what happened to the Anarchy after their disappearance. People wonder if they are truly safe. Some wonder what happened to the members of the Anarchy. Until something changes.
Edit: Still sucks at summaries and descriptions.
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