3 episodes
Episode 1
Scene 47-1
Mar 05, 2015346 views
Episode 2
Scene 47-2
Mar 14, 2015172 views
Episode 3
Scene 47-3
Apr 04, 2015528 views
It’s a story about a young(?) girl(??) and the demon who lives in her brain. There was a mishap or two, and necromancy was involved, and now there is an ancient god/demon/alien/angsty young man running loose. And Shikuesi (brain demon girl) it trying to stop it (probably), and maybe help overthrow a corrupt government (potentially), and wreck some shit along the way (very likely!). This whole mess would be a lot easier to figure out if the dang narrative would stay chronological! But it doesn’t, and you never really get to see the whole picture.
All you get are Glimpses.
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It’s a story about a young(?) girl(??) and the demon who lives in her brain. There was a mishap or two, and necromancy was involved, and now there is an ancient god/demon/alien/angsty young man running loose. And Shikuesi (brain demon girl) it trying to stop it (probably), and maybe help overthrow a corrupt government (potentially), and wreck some shit along the way (very likely!). This whole mess would be a lot easier to figure out if the dang narrative would stay chronological! But it doesn’t, and you never really get to see the whole picture.
All you get are Glimpses.
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