3 episodes
Episode 1
Jul 08, 2015562 views
Episode 2
Chapter 1 : Gletchen's Birthday
Jul 15, 2015242 views
Episode 3
Chapter 2 : VECT-R
Jul 22, 2015619 views
In the real world, data is nothing more than computer-generated memories that stabilize the virtual world, although Gletchen and her many followers think otherwise. They believe each datum deserves a world where forced tasks are nothing more than an abuse of power. However, going up against a powerful military force, the AV Corps, will they successfully win the battle of ideology?
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In the real world, data is nothing more than computer-generated memories that stabilize the virtual world, although Gletchen and her many followers think otherwise. They believe each datum deserves a world where forced tasks are nothing more than an abuse of power. However, going up against a powerful military force, the AV Corps, will they successfully win the battle of ideology?
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