2 episodes
Episode 1
Episode 1 (rewritten :0)
Apr 15, 2021331 views
Episode 2
Game on, motivation. (I'm losing against it.)
Feb 04, 202393 views
Meet Lemmy. A introverted girl who is tired of her peers, with the exception of her best friend, Isadora. Isadora is popular and charismatic. Although Isadora's friends, who Lemmy is forced to hang out with, aren't the nicest. Watch as Lemmy gets pulled into many twists and turns until Isadora and her friends decide to play a new game, called GAME ON, and it goes horribly wrong. Watch as Lemmy observes others around her, and decides who she can or can't trust through the events of this game. With high stakes, and one mistake can cause their life to end, see who breaks at the pressure.
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Meet Lemmy. A introverted girl who is tired of her peers, with the exception of her best friend, Isadora. Isadora is popular and charismatic. Although Isadora's friends, who Lemmy is forced to hang out with, aren't the nicest. Watch as Lemmy gets pulled into many twists and turns until Isadora and her friends decide to play a new game, called GAME ON, and it goes horribly wrong. Watch as Lemmy observes others around her, and decides who she can or can't trust through the events of this game. With high stakes, and one mistake can cause their life to end, see who breaks at the pressure.
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