1 episode
The story is about an Android game that is a 3D game in real life, so the 3D characters appear through holograms, and the player must play as one character and can participate in a variety of challenges. BTW These characters were programmed to talk and feel. just like real people *
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Hi , it's Bee
I like Drawing , Gaming and Music
Started to draw Manga since 2018 and digital art since 2015
I have 3 comic ,currently I work on 2 of them
& I still work Alone I write and draw my comic all by myself , it took me so much time & efforts
and I have no job ( 0 H 0 ) & I draw by mouse
- All my works & Ideas are Original 100% , Excellent ( > u < )b
- Support me on Tapas – like , subscribe & share ,,,
I really appreciate the support
Thank you so much
The story is about an Android game that is a 3D game in real life, so the 3D characters appear through holograms, and the player must play as one character and can participate in a variety of challenges. BTW These characters were programmed to talk and feel. just like real people *
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