4 episodes
Episode 1
Aug 19, 2016303 views
Episode 2
Sep 14, 2016145 views
Episode 3
Sep 15, 2016155 views
Episode 4
Jan 10, 2017416 views
A mysterious stranger is crawling around the city of Toyosaki Japan. Foreign and outlandish, he makes himself at home. The smell of murder is in the air.
A boy just started his second year of highschool. On his way home he stumbles upon a corpse. As Kurosawa tries his best to negate his issues more problems seems to surface. His parents agrees to house a foreign student that acts cold and unorthodox.
Struggeling with the difficulties of being teenagers and solving a murder mystery are only a few things our protagonists have to juggle in this psychological thriller.
Every action has a reaction and that lesson will be learned with harsh and unforeseen consequences.
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A mysterious stranger is crawling around the city of Toyosaki Japan. Foreign and outlandish, he makes himself at home. The smell of murder is in the air.
A boy just started his second year of highschool. On his way home he stumbles upon a corpse. As Kurosawa tries his best to negate his issues more problems seems to surface. His parents agrees to house a foreign student that acts cold and unorthodox.
Struggeling with the difficulties of being teenagers and solving a murder mystery are only a few things our protagonists have to juggle in this psychological thriller.
Every action has a reaction and that lesson will be learned with harsh and unforeseen consequences.
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