Here it is, the full first issue of my comic! Thank you very much for reading, I deeply appreciate you spending your time on a new story from a beginner creator! <3 As this is my first time sharing a comic publicly, I'd greatly appreciate any advice or tips you may have, and hear your thoughts in general :D
My plan is for this to be a short story anthology - each issue will have a different narrative, and my release plan is one issue per month. The second one is ready and will be coming out in parts across February while I work ahead. My promise is to only start releasing once the entire issue is complete, so nothing is left incomplete :)
A note on the layout: I design the layout of my pages to be print-ready, so changing them up for the vertical format creates some challenges. I tried my best to keep to my original vision while making it mobile-friendly, but please let me know if this needs further adjustments for a better reading experience <3
It took a little time for it to load for me but I thoroughly loved the little story and the character designs!!! I especially loved the way you imagined and rendered the tears of the phoenix- river source part. Oh, and I literally gasped at the end, when she kicked the dog- that's a no no, Kera 😅 looking forward to reading more
Kera, the immortal storyteller, travels across Erehwon seeking out new stories. But as she uncovers and preserves history, is there something hiding in the world's shadow?
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