1 episode
Biyu Zhang never wanted to marry. Her parents, being the CEO of China, gave up pestering and decided to arrange a suitor for their 19-year-old daughter.
Outraged, Biyu packs her bags, leaving no trace of her, and leaves, hoping to gain some freedom.
As Biyu starts traveling, she realizes that maybe she shouldn't have gone away, and stayed to marry someone she didn't even know.
One day, she meets this stranger who talks about how he was supposed to marry someone, but she disappeared from sight. As they become what seems like friends, will she finally change her mind about never wanting to marry, or will she continue being the 'Gūdú de huā' her grandmother always called her?
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Biyu Zhang never wanted to marry. Her parents, being the CEO of China, gave up pestering and decided to arrange a suitor for their 19-year-old daughter.
Outraged, Biyu packs her bags, leaving no trace of her, and leaves, hoping to gain some freedom.
As Biyu starts traveling, she realizes that maybe she shouldn't have gone away, and stayed to marry someone she didn't even know.
One day, she meets this stranger who talks about how he was supposed to marry someone, but she disappeared from sight. As they become what seems like friends, will she finally change her mind about never wanting to marry, or will she continue being the 'Gūdú de huā' her grandmother always called her?
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