3 episodes
Episode 1
Falling Like Rain
Oct 26, 201515.2k views
Episode 2
Falling Like Rain: Freedom
Oct 30, 2017722 views
Episode 3
Feb 09, 2019297 views
Hi there! It's been a journey and a half, I'm not a person who does comics that often so it's often still a struggle to come up with things. That and, it's quite emotionally draining at times!
Still, I hold hope that I can keep this up as often as possible, as much as I can! Thank you for this journey!~
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Hi there! It's been a journey and a half, I'm not a person who does comics that often so it's often still a struggle to come up with things. That and, it's quite emotionally draining at times!
Still, I hold hope that I can keep this up as often as possible, as much as I can! Thank you for this journey!~
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