6 episodes
Episode 1
1. Newby
Sep 24, 2023353 views
Episode 2
2. New life
Sep 24, 202364 views
Episode 3
3. Home Sweet Home
Sep 24, 202369 views
Episode 4
4. Ready for action!
Oct 01, 202351 views
Episode 5
5. Team
Oct 09, 202357 views
Episode 6
6. Closer
Oct 16, 202353 views
Somewhere far far away in the space there is a planet... Gay wizards' planet! They live happily there, but to protect themselves from not so friendly neighbours they have magical teams. Teams patrol and protect peace on the planet.
The story begins when newby joins such team. And then goes the magic.
// no shedule, have fun))
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Somewhere far far away in the space there is a planet... Gay wizards' planet! They live happily there, but to protect themselves from not so friendly neighbours they have magical teams. Teams patrol and protect peace on the planet.
The story begins when newby joins such team. And then goes the magic.
// no shedule, have fun))
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