1 episode
(Content Warning: This is an 18+ comic. It contains dark content and sensitive themes. NSFW scenes will be censored. Please proceed with caution)
On a cloudy day a young man named Darren, finds himself overwhelmed by the memories of his past. Living alone now and free to do whatever he wants, Darren is still confused and damaged by his experiences. As a survivor, he stubbornly fights against his PTSD alone. Though as the rain begins to pour, Darren realizes that his will power is breaking…
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(Content Warning: This is an 18+ comic. It contains dark content and sensitive themes. NSFW scenes will be censored. Please proceed with caution)
On a cloudy day a young man named Darren, finds himself overwhelmed by the memories of his past. Living alone now and free to do whatever he wants, Darren is still confused and damaged by his experiences. As a survivor, he stubbornly fights against his PTSD alone. Though as the rain begins to pour, Darren realizes that his will power is breaking…
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