4 episodes
Episode 1
Cumulus 01
Sep 14, 20201.1k views
Episode 2
Cumulus 02
Sep 15, 2020178 views
Episode 3
Cumulus 03
Sep 22, 2020168 views
Episode 4
Cumulus 04
Oct 13, 2020121 views
The people of town Cumulus were the devotees of the God of clouds- Zephyrus, and their fighters were revered across the world. However, the town was destroyed two years ago due to a cloudburst, of which only 6 survivors remained and were held captive by their neighbouring town Volos. Can these 6 children escape from the clutches of villainous Baazo Stellink?!
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The people of town Cumulus were the devotees of the God of clouds- Zephyrus, and their fighters were revered across the world. However, the town was destroyed two years ago due to a cloudburst, of which only 6 survivors remained and were held captive by their neighbouring town Volos. Can these 6 children escape from the clutches of villainous Baazo Stellink?!
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