5 episodes
Episode 1
Apr 04, 20167.1k views
Episode 2
Apr 11, 20163.7k views
Episode 3
Chocolate Candied Orange Peels
Apr 19, 20163k views
Episode 4
Ginger Pork
May 25, 20162k views
Episode 5
Rosemary Pear Cake
Jun 01, 20162.3k views
Hello Hello Hello!
So I am back and ready to start with a new comic ALL ABOUT COOKING!
I thought it would be a fun way to express one of the things I like the most, baking! Not only that but it is a fun way to formally introduce my boyfriend of almost 2 years. <3 (I also need practice drawing food so there is also that aspect.)
So the way this comic will work (hopefully) is that one week I will teach you all how to bake/cook something easy and yummy, and the next week Yuuto will teach you how to cook a Japanese dish. Then once a month there will be a short story about our adventures cooking together.
I hope you all support me with this idea and enjoy the art I am making. And if anyone has any suggestions or recipe ideas feel free to drop a comment!! And if you have any questions about Japanese food for Yuuto you can leave one for him as well and I will relay the question to him. :)
Stay tuned for next week on cooking with Yuuto. :)
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Hello Hello Hello!
So I am back and ready to start with a new comic ALL ABOUT COOKING!
I thought it would be a fun way to express one of the things I like the most, baking! Not only that but it is a fun way to formally introduce my boyfriend of almost 2 years. <3 (I also need practice drawing food so there is also that aspect.)
So the way this comic will work (hopefully) is that one week I will teach you all how to bake/cook something easy and yummy, and the next week Yuuto will teach you how to cook a Japanese dish. Then once a month there will be a short story about our adventures cooking together.
I hope you all support me with this idea and enjoy the art I am making. And if anyone has any suggestions or recipe ideas feel free to drop a comment!! And if you have any questions about Japanese food for Yuuto you can leave one for him as well and I will relay the question to him. :)
Stay tuned for next week on cooking with Yuuto. :)
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