2 episodes
Episode 1
Log 001 - [January 19th]
Nov 09, 2022380 views
Episode 2
Log 002 - [January 19th]
Nov 17, 2022211 views
" I can always... feel you. It doesn't matter where we are, or how long it has been. You're the first thought I get when I arise. The first I get upon slumber -- in uncertainty. In unwellness - You don't give me the chance to make it be anything else-- you're always there."
Upon accepting an intriguing job offer as a "bodyguard" and data-analyst, Lesa Molotov finds himself in a new city, ready to begin working for Min Dae-hyun, an odd, yet notorious, information broker.
While furthering their investigations of the disappearances and murders in the strange place, they learn that much more is at stake than they'd originally thought.
The world begins to close in on Lesa as he slowly discovers the shocking truths about his own abilities, and just how intricately they connect him to his new "boss."
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Hello everyone! A huge thank you, for all the support you have been giving us! We couldn't be more grateful! Any bit of ink and support truly helps us in producing this series - but you reading our work, alone, is a already the biggest of satisfaction! We hope you will continue to enjoy our stories! Sending you lots of love, always,
- tatty & Candi
" I can always... feel you. It doesn't matter where we are, or how long it has been. You're the first thought I get when I arise. The first I get upon slumber -- in uncertainty. In unwellness - You don't give me the chance to make it be anything else-- you're always there."
Upon accepting an intriguing job offer as a "bodyguard" and data-analyst, Lesa Molotov finds himself in a new city, ready to begin working for Min Dae-hyun, an odd, yet notorious, information broker.
While furthering their investigations of the disappearances and murders in the strange place, they learn that much more is at stake than they'd originally thought.
The world begins to close in on Lesa as he slowly discovers the shocking truths about his own abilities, and just how intricately they connect him to his new "boss."
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