Books of Terminology (The Emperor and His Thief)
4 episodes
Episode 1
Dec 22, 2019320 views
Episode 2
Form of Address
Dec 22, 2019135 views
Episode 3
Dec 22, 2019125 views
Episode 4
Military Ranks
Dec 22, 2019217 views
This book contains the Chinese terms used in The Emperor and His Thief. It will be updated as much as I can. The information in the book contains (but not limited to):
1. Terms
2. Titles
3. Form of Address
4. Proverbs/Sayings/Slangs
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This book contains the Chinese terms used in The Emperor and His Thief. It will be updated as much as I can. The information in the book contains (but not limited to):
1. Terms
2. Titles
3. Form of Address
4. Proverbs/Sayings/Slangs
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The Emperor and His Thief
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What Makes a Monster
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