1 episode
“Blue Star” tells the story of Kuzma Ardalionovich Mayakov, a dreamy and thoughtful young Soviet writer grappling with the implications of his family's legacy and his brother's death.
Haunted by visions of his brother's untimely demise on a blood-soaked poppy field during the Russian Civil War, Kuzma embarks on a quest to understand his father's past, his brother's motivations for joining the war, and his own love for storytelling.
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Support me on Tapas – every drop of Ink helps!
50,000: Viewers can vote on what story will appear next in "Sam in New York: The Anthology" (REACHED)
100,000: Malka and Joel's scrapbook with text will be released as part of "Sam in New York: The Anthology"
200,000: Special podcast episode where I talk about my favorite Tapas supporters' works!
100,000 INK: "SAM'S GUIDE TO COLD-CALLING" (graphic novel about Sam teaching us his cold-calling techniques) will be released!
50,000 INK: "BOOK OF JOEL" (graphic novel about Joel, Sam's friend) will be released!
5,000 INK: Winter Holidays comic with guest appearances of characters from top 2 donors! GOAL REACHED: 11/20/2020
10,000 INK: Anthology of short stories and short comics about different characters in the "Sam in New York" canon will be released! GOAL REACHED: 11/20/2020
“Blue Star” tells the story of Kuzma Ardalionovich Mayakov, a dreamy and thoughtful young Soviet writer grappling with the implications of his family's legacy and his brother's death.
Haunted by visions of his brother's untimely demise on a blood-soaked poppy field during the Russian Civil War, Kuzma embarks on a quest to understand his father's past, his brother's motivations for joining the war, and his own love for storytelling.
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More by the creator
Sam in New York
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Humor me
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Fans also read
Mondo Mango
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Fans also read
Deep Dark Fears
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Fans also read
Vampire Girlfriends
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Fans also read
Strange and Wild
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