4 episodes
Episode 1
A Night without Ghost
Aug 31, 2022530 views
Episode 2
Small Problems
Sep 02, 2022195 views
Episode 3
Nov 16, 202434 views
Episode 4
Ghost incorporate
Dec 24, 202428 views
Ghosts are an order of watchmen or force created to maintain balance in the universe. The society of ghosts passes the mantle from generation to generation and acts in ´districts - example the land is called as a district ’. Daffiny a 17 year old girl becomes the new Blue Ghost when she meets Fox Torres, the old ghost from her district, in a situation where he can no longer use his powers, he ends up transferring the spectral powers to Daffiny.
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Ghosts are an order of watchmen or force created to maintain balance in the universe. The society of ghosts passes the mantle from generation to generation and acts in ´districts - example the land is called as a district ’. Daffiny a 17 year old girl becomes the new Blue Ghost when she meets Fox Torres, the old ghost from her district, in a situation where he can no longer use his powers, he ends up transferring the spectral powers to Daffiny.
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