1 episode
Everyone is born with a flower somewhere on their body. Except for the RavenRose "Raven". Since the flower is where their souls are stored, and the type and
color of the flower shows where in the world's hierarchy you live in, Raven has always struggled with who she really is. Her brother, the BlueRose "Leo", on the
other hand struggles with entirely different issues of the heart. With both of their parents missing since a young age, these siblings had to grow and live in an
unforgiving world by themselves. Now that they have come to age though, it is time for them to officially leave the nest. Follow the twins as they deal with the
secrets they both hide from the outside world, and the hope they have for bringing the family together again.
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Being a full-time author as ALWAYS been a dream of mine (since 2nd grade if you could believe it lol) so any bit of support goes a long way in aiding my goals in life. I greatly appreciate ANY amount people wish to donate, because every penny counts in the long run ^w^
Goals/rewards for Inkter Solstice: [Still planning, will update when event approaches]
Everyone is born with a flower somewhere on their body. Except for the RavenRose "Raven". Since the flower is where their souls are stored, and the type and
color of the flower shows where in the world's hierarchy you live in, Raven has always struggled with who she really is. Her brother, the BlueRose "Leo", on the
other hand struggles with entirely different issues of the heart. With both of their parents missing since a young age, these siblings had to grow and live in an
unforgiving world by themselves. Now that they have come to age though, it is time for them to officially leave the nest. Follow the twins as they deal with the
secrets they both hide from the outside world, and the hope they have for bringing the family together again.
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The Wrong Twin
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Earthwitch (The Voidgod Ascendency Book 1)
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Arna (GL)
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Siena (Forestfolk, Book 1)
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Twisted Tales
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Fans also read
What Makes a Monster
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