3 episodes
Episode 1
Sep 15, 20181.8k views
Episode 2
Cries in the village
Sep 16, 2018546 views
Episode 3
Moon Goddess’ blessing
Oct 25, 2018197 views
Mingzhu thought of herself as a normal human but others called her for a demon 'cause of her white eyes and her near death experiences.
But Mingzhu did not know, what she truly was. And why death lurked everywhere around herself.
A life filled with beauty, powers, love, and darkness, the awakening of a goddess.
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Mingzhu thought of herself as a normal human but others called her for a demon 'cause of her white eyes and her near death experiences.
But Mingzhu did not know, what she truly was. And why death lurked everywhere around herself.
A life filled with beauty, powers, love, and darkness, the awakening of a goddess.
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