4 episodes
Episode 1
01 | Cruciamen (torture)
Dec 19, 202426 views
Episode 2
02 | Exanimum (lifeless;dead)
Dec 23, 202411 views
Episode 3
03 | Infernum (inferno)
Dec 27, 20248 views
Episode 4
04 | Sentīre (to feel)
Jan 03, 20255 views
At the end, could you tell if you were in heaven or hell?
Having what he called glimpses into another world since he was little, a desolate wasteland devoid of human life, Neo was anything but normal. Only in that world, in the midst of that hell, did he feel truly alive. In the real world, it was as if his soul had departed, leaving behind a shell that was cold and devoid of life.
Was that world he saw one he came from, or a world waiting for him when he died?
He didn't think anyone could change him.
Until he met someone who did.
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At the end, could you tell if you were in heaven or hell?
Having what he called glimpses into another world since he was little, a desolate wasteland devoid of human life, Neo was anything but normal. Only in that world, in the midst of that hell, did he feel truly alive. In the real world, it was as if his soul had departed, leaving behind a shell that was cold and devoid of life.
Was that world he saw one he came from, or a world waiting for him when he died?
He didn't think anyone could change him.
Until he met someone who did.
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