1 episode
"Armageddon Game" centers on Nolan Pandora, a rebellious transfer student at St. Isaac Catholic School in Charlotte, England. He confronts the school's dominant clique, the "St. Isaac All-Stars", who abuse their sports prowess to bully others. Determined to challenge their tyranny, Nolan sparks a rebellion with the help of new friends, unraveling secrets and risking everything to restore justice and balance to the school. This gripping tale explores courage, friendship, and the fight against overwhelming power in the halls of St. Isaac's.
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"Armageddon Game" centers on Nolan Pandora, a rebellious transfer student at St. Isaac Catholic School in Charlotte, England. He confronts the school's dominant clique, the "St. Isaac All-Stars", who abuse their sports prowess to bully others. Determined to challenge their tyranny, Nolan sparks a rebellion with the help of new friends, unraveling secrets and risking everything to restore justice and balance to the school. This gripping tale explores courage, friendship, and the fight against overwhelming power in the halls of St. Isaac's.
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