1 episode
In a world of limitless power, humans, yokai, and tengu once lived in harmony. However, with the rise of a powerful and wicked being, war was waged, forever separating each being into three factions.
Forced together into a bittersweet link, a human onmyoji and a half-demon girl embark on an adventure to defeat mischievous yokai. Through their quest to find the source of a new emerging evil, can they restore the broken harmony between the three factions?
Filled with mystical beings of Japanese mythology, embark on this journey with our headbutting heroes, Arashi and Raikou.
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In a world of limitless power, humans, yokai, and tengu once lived in harmony. However, with the rise of a powerful and wicked being, war was waged, forever separating each being into three factions.
Forced together into a bittersweet link, a human onmyoji and a half-demon girl embark on an adventure to defeat mischievous yokai. Through their quest to find the source of a new emerging evil, can they restore the broken harmony between the three factions?
Filled with mystical beings of Japanese mythology, embark on this journey with our headbutting heroes, Arashi and Raikou.
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Fans also read
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