105 episodes
Episode 1
Chapter 1.1. God is sick of us
Dec 08, 2024103 views
Episode 2
Chapter 1.2. God is sick of us
Dec 09, 202449 views
Episode 3
Chapter 1.3. God is sick of us
Dec 09, 202429 views
Episode 4
Chapter 2.1 Fate steps in
Dec 10, 202434 views
Episode 5
Chapter 2.2. Fate steps in
Dec 10, 202431 views
Episode 6
Chapter 2.3. Fate steps in
Dec 10, 202428 views
Episode 7
Chapter 3.1. Like the gods of old
Dec 10, 202425 views
Episode 8
Chapter 3.2. Like the gods of old
Dec 10, 202426 views
Episode 9
Chapter 3.3. Like the gods of old
Dec 10, 202426 views
Episode 10
Chapter 4.1. I have something to lose
Dec 11, 202428 views
Episode 11
Chapter 4.2. I have something to lose
Dec 11, 202430 views
Episode 12
Chapter 4.3. I have something to lose
Dec 11, 202438 views
Episode 13
Chapter 5.1. Solving a puzzle blindfolded
Dec 12, 202428 views
Episode 14
Chapter 5.2. Solving a puzzle blindfolded
Dec 12, 202430 views
Episode 15
Chapter 5.3. Solving a puzzle blindfolded
Dec 12, 202427 views
Episode 16
Chapter 6.1. Eight rings
Dec 12, 202432 views
Episode 17
Chapter 6.2. Eight rings
Dec 12, 202428 views
Episode 18
Chapter 6.3. Eight rings
Dec 12, 202425 views
Episode 19
Chapter 7.1. Because I'm still alive
Dec 13, 202426 views
Episode 20
Chapter 7.2. Because I'm still alive
Dec 13, 202431 views
"...You are the Archon of This World. You are a living sign that Bizanth is a country chosen by God. Now, in the time of war, it is especially important to remind people of the blessing from above..."
The troubled times of transition from antiquity to the Middle Ages, inhumanly cruel laws, atrocities of the church and a long, exhausting war with a handful of Arya savages, whom the mighty empire for some reason cannot overcome... After the long reign of the Red Emperor, who kept both his enemies and his own subjects in fear, and the rise to power of his daughter, Bizanth has finally decided to make peace with its neighbors... hasn't it? Lyn, the Archon of This World, an eternally drunk preacher, a former brothel accountant, the most useless person in the country, is sent to negotiate with the Arya. But not everyone in the Council that governs the country likes the idea of peace, and Bizanth has long had its own serious internal contradictions - political and religious... Will Lyn be able to cope with the negotiations, and who is he really - truly a useless drunk or a target for everyone who wants power through terror?
The author had no intention of offending any existing religions or cultures.
Bizanth can, with some effort, be loosely associated with Byzantium around the 6th-7th centuries, and Arya (with even more difficulty) with one of the pre-Islamic Iranian peoples, but for the most part, their culture and beliefs are fictional.
This text has little to do with history; it contains elements of postmodernism and irony. And while I try not to take it brutally serious, it is a rather heavy work. Its central themes are the vicious cycle of violence, psychological trauma, and a sense of alienation. Oh, and humanism :)
Feel free to point out any errors, typos, or stylistic flaws. Also, English is not my first language. (But some slang and overly modern expressions in Lyn’s POV are intentional).
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"...You are the Archon of This World. You are a living sign that Bizanth is a country chosen by God. Now, in the time of war, it is especially important to remind people of the blessing from above..."
The troubled times of transition from antiquity to the Middle Ages, inhumanly cruel laws, atrocities of the church and a long, exhausting war with a handful of Arya savages, whom the mighty empire for some reason cannot overcome... After the long reign of the Red Emperor, who kept both his enemies and his own subjects in fear, and the rise to power of his daughter, Bizanth has finally decided to make peace with its neighbors... hasn't it? Lyn, the Archon of This World, an eternally drunk preacher, a former brothel accountant, the most useless person in the country, is sent to negotiate with the Arya. But not everyone in the Council that governs the country likes the idea of peace, and Bizanth has long had its own serious internal contradictions - political and religious... Will Lyn be able to cope with the negotiations, and who is he really - truly a useless drunk or a target for everyone who wants power through terror?
The author had no intention of offending any existing religions or cultures.
Bizanth can, with some effort, be loosely associated with Byzantium around the 6th-7th centuries, and Arya (with even more difficulty) with one of the pre-Islamic Iranian peoples, but for the most part, their culture and beliefs are fictional.
This text has little to do with history; it contains elements of postmodernism and irony. And while I try not to take it brutally serious, it is a rather heavy work. Its central themes are the vicious cycle of violence, psychological trauma, and a sense of alienation. Oh, and humanism :)
Feel free to point out any errors, typos, or stylistic flaws. Also, English is not my first language. (But some slang and overly modern expressions in Lyn’s POV are intentional).
Completed series
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