2 episodes
Episode 1
Lesson 00: The transfer student
May 15, 2019695 views
Episode 2
Lesson 01: The teaching assistant
Apr 12, 2020144 views
A new student attends a very prestigious school called, Highschool Academy, hoping to get the best education that the acadamy can give him. Until the new student realises that his grades mean life or death.
Students who gain the highest grade get to become the hero of Highschool Academy.
Students who fail however... read and find out.
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A new student attends a very prestigious school called, Highschool Academy, hoping to get the best education that the acadamy can give him. Until the new student realises that his grades mean life or death.
Students who gain the highest grade get to become the hero of Highschool Academy.
Students who fail however... read and find out.
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