2 episodes
Episode 1
Trope:Love at First Sight
May 02, 20131.1k views
Episode 2
Trope:Dumb Muscle
Mar 30, 2015824 views
Merriam-Webster gives a definition of "trope" as a "figure of speech." In storytelling, a trope is just that — a conceptual figure of speech, a storytelling shorthand for a concept that the audience will recognize and understand instantly.
Above all, a trope is a convention. It can be a plot trick, a setup, a narrative structure, a character type, a linguistic idiom... you know it when you see it. Tropes are not inherently disruptive to a story; however, when the trope itself becomes intrusive, distracting the viewer rather than serving as shorthand, it has become a cliche.
In this world "Tropes" have mysteriously become physical no longer just a reoccurring theme within a story. If left unattended for too long a trope can go berserk and cause damage to all those around. Fortunate for the world there are people whose job it is to seek, capture, control and eliminate tropes.
This is the story of one of these special people, Roxanne the Trope Hunter
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Merriam-Webster gives a definition of "trope" as a "figure of speech." In storytelling, a trope is just that — a conceptual figure of speech, a storytelling shorthand for a concept that the audience will recognize and understand instantly.
Above all, a trope is a convention. It can be a plot trick, a setup, a narrative structure, a character type, a linguistic idiom... you know it when you see it. Tropes are not inherently disruptive to a story; however, when the trope itself becomes intrusive, distracting the viewer rather than serving as shorthand, it has become a cliche.
In this world "Tropes" have mysteriously become physical no longer just a reoccurring theme within a story. If left unattended for too long a trope can go berserk and cause damage to all those around. Fortunate for the world there are people whose job it is to seek, capture, control and eliminate tropes.
This is the story of one of these special people, Roxanne the Trope Hunter
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