Been dusting things off for the last few days, figured I should do the same for this page. Just to keep everyone up to date, I've been doing Damn Heroes, my weekly web comic for the last four years. I've even published two books of Damn Heroes strips!
You can reach my latest work at
However, for those of you who'd rather just read my comic on Taptastic, I've been putting the backlog of the last four years up here. To help me catch up to the main site, I'll be posting old strips every Tuesday and Thursday.
Once I've caught up with the main site, I'm going to be switching back to a weekly schedule that matches the Damn Heroes main site.
If you like my work, please feel free to back me through Patron or head on over to my shop and buy my books!
Book shop:
Thanks to everyone who is enjoying this web comic. If you're interested, I've compiled the first two years of the webcomic into a book.