Wow! 60 subscribers to Gateway City! Cheers all! Thank you so much for following and sharing GC. The messages and comments are wonderful and I can't wait to share more of the story with you.
I've also got comics in print now! At the moment I'm looking into retailers carrying it (please feel free to send me the name and location of your local!) but if you can't wait, you can pick issues 1 and 2 up from my Etsy storefront:
I'm illustrating a project over on Kickstarter called The Arte Mephitic. It isn't a comic, so I haven't shared it here...but we're now well past funding and one of our stretch goals is a comic, so now it seems appropriate! Check it out here: Let's do this!
Thanks for subscribing to Crucible, too! Our subscriber numbers are growing steadily and if you can help spread the word about the strip that would be terrific. As you'll have noticed, we posted the final part of Episode 6 some time ago, and Smuzz is working on Episode 7 - but there will be a break while that's in progress. However - there's a short supporting strip also in the works, written by Smuzz with art from Mark Hetherington and Richard Stone, and we're hoping to post that in September. For more background, please do visit, which will take you to a page on my British comics web site,, where we will draw you into the ways of comic creation here on the Sceptred Isle!