I just realised I should mention this on Tapas! Serpamia Flare has a tumblr called Friday Flare (https://fridayflare.tumblr.com/) that updates on - you guessed it - Fridays, lol. I use the tumblr to post doodles of pairing requests (not necessarily romantic) and also answer some Archaeia-related or character questions from readers. Readers can submit Q&A or doodle requests through comments (to this post or on comic pages), PMs (on Tapas or ComicFury) or the SF community Discord (https://discord.gg/GUJWAcf) - or even the tumblr Ask function!
For examples of previously done doodle requests or Q&A, feel free to peruse the tumblr archive. <3
Eeeeeeeeeee this is amazing!! ;v;** Thank you so much, it's gorgeous <333 and I <3 <3 <3 love love the second half request pic XD Thank you so much! Indeedy I am so grateful for your existence, my dear, talented, beautiful muffin <3
Hi everyone! With Inksgiving coming up on Tapas, I wanted to also put up some incentives with a giveaway. For everyone who donates Ink to SF, you have the chance to win a pack of Christmas cards and/or SF Christmas stickers. :) I hope everyone enjoys their Thanksgiving - regardless of whether you donate or not, anyone who reads SF gets a huge dose of gratitude from me <3 thankyew so much for reading! >w<*
Heya folks! Sorry it's been an age. I've actually started updating SF on the website for some time now, and I've created enough content to feel comfortable uploading pages onto Tapas again. I'm updating the website on a weekly basis, and will update Tapas twice a week until it catches up. :) I know it's been forever so I don't blame anyone who's forgotten what's going on :'D but I'm sorry for being so radio silent for so long. I hope you guys like Chapter Nine all the same!
YOU LIVE!!! Are you doing well? How have you been?
I've been stalking the site off and on for quite some time. At one point it started showing up as "site not found." Did you change anything?
Hey Tatsuki! :D I've been doing as well as I can with the crazy year this has been so far, lol. I'm not sure why the site isn't working >.< it should be! Sometimes ComicFury (my host) has spats of downtime though, so it could have been bad timing. Let me know if you still can't quite get http://www.serpamiaflare.com/ to load and I'll see what I can do! In the meantime, thanks so much for the comment <3 I'm glad to be able to upload on Tapas again X3
It has been quite a year thus far. I'm ready for it to be over! Not sure how long that's going to take though.
Every time I have checked prior it hasn't worked. It didn't work just now either. I hope you can get it worked out, unless it's only me . . . . I'm not sure why that would be though.
On Tapas I can like and comment! Plus I can easily see when it updates.
Hmm, that is strange. Does this URL also not work? http://serpamiaflare.thecomicseries.com/ Could be a redirection failure? >->a At any rate, I'll be trying to get Tapas up to date as well! Thanks so much for still reading ;v;* <3
Well apparently that one works, but my browser and a security plugin aren't happy with it for some reason. I'll probably just read on here for the moment being since I don't have time to binge read currently. ^^'
Hey guys, sorry for the long silence here! I've been in a slump u_u
I'm currently working on wrapping up Chapter 8 so weekly updates will resume starting tomorrow.
Thanks for your patience and kindness! ;v;*
Hi everyone! :) Thanks for reading SF on Tapas! I didn't think to link to it before, but there is an SF Discord if you are interested in joining: https://discordapp.com/invite/PEPKbxk
Also, we have a voice-chat meetup happening in around half a day from now so if you're interested in popping in, please do feel free :3 there's a countdown timer link here, if you want to track how far the meetup is from now: https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20171221T21&p0=394&msg=SF+Voicechat+Meetup&font=hand&csz=1
That's it! :D Feel free to come hang out any time. <3
I have no idea how long it will go XD; we'll see! I'm sure many will pop in for just a brief time and/or lurk, that's okay, too. :) Regardless of whether people can make the meetup the Discord is open for anyone just kinda chill. See you there if you can make it! :D