I'm happy to announce that I've completed "Julien's Road" but as a novella that is retitled "The Cost of Loving You" Hope to have it published by October 10th once I get a cover made.
As for the comic version. I would like to complete it in the future after I get a new PC but by then I probably would have moved on depending on how long it takes to get all the parts I need. In the meantime, I'm focusing everything on writing more M/M novels and a non M/M steampunk adventure under a different name.
Hi everyone! Sadly, my PC is acting up and I have to put Julien's Road on hiatus until I can discover the problem and get it fixed. Everything is explained at the end of the last chapter.
However, Blood and Bone is finished and all chapters are already uploaded and scheduled for release until it is completed. So if you're wondering why I'm still uploading with a wonky PC, now you know why.
Thanks for reading my comics and have an awesome spring and summer! :D
I'm happy to announce that I've completed Blood and Bone! I'm trying to decide if I should speed up the updates or just let the buffer run its course blah blah. idk. But right now I'm feeling good. Gonna focus more on Julien's Road now after a small break and catch up on all the comics and novels I've missed! *phew*
Wow! I look forwards to the journey. I think you should keep its normal pace. It'll give you some breathing room for other projects and readers something to anticipate. As well as being able to follow along to any other projects you start/finish~ :D
Thanks! You're right. I'll leave it alone to do its thing. Right now I'm enjoying my little mini vacation. I have so many novels and comics to read it's ridiculous! lol!
Just removed my novel from the contest and Tapas. Forgot the "It cannot be published anywhere" clause in the TOS. Thinking of publishing something else but might just wait for the next writers camp. Good luck everyone! I'm still reading and voting on other novels.
Just submitted my novel for the Writer's Camp Contest here on tapas. If you like what you read, please help me out by subbing (voting): https://tapas.io/series/Blood-Bla
I finally got my own domain! The site is still under construction but I have the full uncensored first chapter of Blood and Bone available. https://rochrok.com
Hi. Yes, and I sent you the password on 12/26. It must not have been sent? Here is the password and link: https://rochrok.wixsite.com/rochrok/early-access