Welcome! My name is Rin or Night (I go by both), I am a writer and the proud creator of The Poisoned Chalice. I work very hard at making time for my passion and hope you enjoy reading what I write as much as I enjoyed writing (and agonizingly editing ;p) them!
Docs, Pencil, Paper, A Creative Ever Contemplating Mindset
Hello Everyone! I may be taking a hiatus for next week and miss Aprils 1st release due to being incredibly busy! I am so sorry but I'll be back on track soon.
I've prepared a little riddle for you all in celebration of TPC really gaining some traction! I am so, so grateful to the support I've received recently! Thank you all :) So, the way this works is that the gemstones each represent a letter, there are 5 words in total! I'll post a chart in a minute! Have fun everyone!