OK.. so... I'm still alive apparently, for those who actually cares XD
I've been wanting to continue on my comic from weeks ago, but I guess life isn't letting me do it as quick as I want it to (read: works, bills, and other life stuffs)..
So to all my beautiful 57 subs, update IS coming.. just going to be verrryyyy slow.. and I'm totally grateful with the fact that I got a new sub a few days ago, EVEN when I'm not updating things! How awesome is thattttt!!
TL;DR anywhoozz.. thank you for all of yous who still sticking around and not un-subbing.. I will get back on track as soon as possible, and more hopefully >.<
LOVE Y'ALL!! <3 <3 <3 <3
So I think I should've said this in the last episode, but I forgot.. (of course ¬_¬)
Anywhoosss.. As I mentioned in the last post, I'll be going back to weekly update after October, since work gonna start picking up again, and I won't have as much time to put my shenanigans into comic TT^TT
I hope you luvliez can understand, and bear with me on this. I have a few ideas brewing and I'll make sure the weekly update to be regular, no promises on the length though :P
Welpz that's all I wanna say to those who wanted know :D
Thanks for all your support so far!! Love y'all!! <3
Hiyaz again my Dweebz subscribers!! For those who've read the comment on the last episode, welcome back and as I promise, I'll give more detailed info on what's coming up this month.
So as I mentioned on the last episode, I'll update twice a week for this month of October (maybe more, depending on my brain) as I'll be having a bit "more" time on my hands, and I feel like it's a way for me to try and make up for my lack of updates in the past couple of months.
Also, I've been having this idea for the last few days/weeks/years/whoknowsforhowlong which I wanted to put out there. It may be more of a serious topic than the usual shenanigans, but since this is the only comic that I have at the moment, so I'll just put it here, and I hope you guys don't mind it. Keep an eye for it, and let me know what you guys think of a more serious topic once in a while.
Sorry if it's not as exciting as you thought it was :P
Anywayz, have a great dweebly week!!
Hiya again me luvliez subss!! I thought I can get back to my more "regular" updates, but by the look of things, that will not happen for a while. So I'd like to let you know, I'll try my best to update at least once a week, hopefully you guys are OK with that.. I sure wish I can give more than just once a week, but work has been piling up along with bills and other things that I have to pay TT^TT I wish I can barter my comic to pay the bills, that'll be something :3
TL;DR ANYWAYZ!! hope you all have a great week, and not hating me for not having more updates.. LUV YOU ALL!! <3
To all my 39 beautiful subscribers, I apologize for the lack of update for the past week. Been very busy with tons of projects, and it will be another week before it finishes. And the fact that my tablet is not working, is not exactly helping TT^TT
Please bear with me, and I promise I'll make it up to you guys somehow :3
Have a great weekend! <3