For those of you reading Respite, I apologize for being a day late with this chapter. I literally forgot yesterday was Thursday. It's uploaded now!
I've been settling into a new routine lately. Chapters will probably go up in the mornings from now on instead of at night so that I don't forget again!
Hope you have been enjoying the story <33
Hey <3 I know I said January and now it's Feb, but the first chapter of the new story, Respite, is up! This one is a bit less plotty and a little more slice of life, so I've been a little all over the place with trying to pull it together into something coherent. Hope you all enjoy!!
Happy Holidays loves!! Hope all of your years are coming to a wonderful close. I had a bit of fun writing a crossover between SNAFU and Evenfall since they take place in the same universe, so check that out if you are interested! Also, I plan to begin publishing a new story starting in January, so look forward to that! Wishing you all the happiest of holidays and a wonderful New Years! <3 Osiria
Getting my Novella, Evenfall, ready is taking slightly longer than anticipated because life keeps getting in the way. The Author’s Note is up, and I will have the first chapter ready to upload this Friday! Those of you who subscribe to my Ream account will get a sneak peek of the first part of the chapter, which I have finished editing <3
I'd hoped I would not have to do this, but I'm going to be taking a week off from posting updates for Snafu. This weekend is my college commencement and I am moving across several states next week.
We'll be back to regular updates as soon as things settle back down a bit for me, hopefully by next Friday <3