I made some fan art of Po + Mo (/ v \ )
I'm so addicted to your characters (plus this is my 2nd public post on your profile ajslaksl lol)
hope you like it~ ( > v 0 )d
Just as a fun question, what is your first language? :0
Your English is rlly good so if it's not your first lang, i'd be quite surprised lol
Also, I can speak some French too~ (it's kinda broken, but I can manage hehe ^^)
My first language is actually French! Japanese is second and English is only third ^^ My English still has a lot of room for improvement XD
Ooooh that's so nice!! French is really hard, I find people who learn it very very impressive!!
My mother's Japanese and I've been living in Japan for a while now, so learning the language was easier in my case xD Being able to read hiragana is already quite an accomplishment in my opinion! :D
hey Namako! here are a couple videos from the guy i told you about >:DD
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_y4DbZivHCY&list=PLOHbM4GGWADc5bZgvbivvttAuWGow6h05&index=10 (this one mentions sea cucumbers so imma include this one xDD)
Haha that's because "namako (なまこ)" means "sea cucumber" in Japanese. And August 21 is just my birthday! It's hard to see it in the picture I retweeted, but it actually says "2016 08 21". They drew Po for me and I was really happy :)
aaaah that explains things, indeed. interesting choice of name!
Yup i recognized the flufflord of fluffiness. (what an awesome traditional style they have *swoon*)
Also: Late happy birthday then(‐^▽^‐)
i finally finished my fanart!!! I absolutely love your adorable style and I want to hug all of your characters xDD I hope your day is going well so far~ >w<