hello, its been a long time i dont even remember how to use this site... but i curiously checked the comments on the last update i made for my sweet honey and was hit with guilt for just up and leaving! im healthy, thank you for your well wishes! i've been working on a whole lot of other stuff under other names so its difficult to find me but if you'd like you can see a small amount of what i've been up to on my tumblr, its inkxmilk! not sure if ill be able to finish this but i decided to give it a fair try. the process i had for making comics when i made my sweet honey is very different from how i do them now so i have a lot of restructuring and writing to do. in the mean time i'll post one of the little itty bitty mini comics ive made, different story entirely! but yeah just wanted to drop in and say sorry for my absence and thanks for liking my sweet honey!