Explaining quickly: (google translated, sorry XD)
1) I am making a huge strip where Klara falls into a deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep well, continuing this sequence here: http://livro.mushi-san.com/2arias/tiras_secreto.php (in portuguese, sorry^^)
2) I dont know when this strip will be transleted to English. Lots of things will happen before it^^
3) Then I thought, "why not invite people to draw a Klara falling for me, so i'll include the arts on the strip?" (very simple, do not need much details). By my count, I'll need about ten, I will draw some (and put customized a Playmobil to be Klara and take photos). Click here to see how is getting ^^ http://mushi-san.com/3/13k/tirona.jpg
4) If you are interested and do, I promise by the credits and links everywhere that the strip is published (I doubt it to be printed one day but dream, right? XD). Only that
Visual cues:
1) Klara for those unfamiliar, is a girl of about 8 years. Blonde, black eyes, always with headband. References: http://mushisan.deviantart.com/art/Klara-and-Maria-103185666 http://mushisan.deviantart.com/art/Mestra-Cozinheira-163534652
2) Klara is wearing the one from John Tenniel's Alice (the first artist to draw the character)
3) if you want to put colors, they are:
• Yellow (hair): #ffff00
• Skin color: #fab999
• Blue (bow, apron details, belt, socks): #366196
• Orange (dress): #f0b501
• White (apron, except for the details)
• Black (shoes)
(the colors are based in this book: http://www.aliang.net/literature/the_nursery_alice/ )
4) to not get too big (I will have to reduce ...) or too small (to enlarge it gets ugly), Klara must have a 750px tall ^^
I think it's just, thank you for the minutes spent reading this application pleading :)
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links: http://maga-01.deviantart.com/art/Klara-and-Maria-victorian-style-dresses-623540677 and https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1721242168143515.1073742025.1387938618140540&type=3